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Re: Interessante Seiten im Internet

Verfasst: 6. Dez 2019, 19:17
von Zebra
McKenna Academy of Natural Philosophy

Founded in 2018 by visionary ethnopharmacologist, Dr. Dennis McKenna, the McKenna Academy of Natural Philosophy will explore modern and traditional practices, ideas and technologies that foster the understanding of nature, consciousness, the cosmos and their interweavings with humanity.

Re: Interessante Seiten im Internet

Verfasst: 3. Mai 2020, 07:47
von Gaius

Re: Interessante Seiten im Internet

Verfasst: 21. Jan 2021, 10:35
von Zebra
Möglicherweise interessant aber leider auch sehr teuer: (mich würde schon interessieren an wen genau das Geld geht und wer profitiert)

Bwiti: School of Life is a 4-part recorded series that serves as a platform and voice for traditional practitioners of Bwiti in Gabon to educate and inspire anyone with an interest in the use of iboga, referred to in Gabon mostly as le bois sacre (“the sacred wood”). The series provides a window into the beautiful and and profound traditional uses, and how the sacred wood serves as not only a medicine, but a way of life in Gabon. The content aims to educate and connect people to the depth, artistry and wisdom of the traditions, as well as touch on themes of integral plant medicine practice and sustainability.

This is a unique educational opportunity. Rather than a materialistic view of the historical development of iboga and ibogaine in other contexts, we will explore the emerging and evolving cultural contexts of its use and the way that these practices and ideals have influenced global culture and approaches to healing and spirituality. Each 1.5 hour webcast included short clips of video material collected in villages that practice various branches of traditional Bwiti, followed by recordings from guest presentations and discussion.

Re: Interessante Seiten im Internet

Verfasst: 10. Jan 2024, 12:02
von Rato ... 5FVjqu6OuY

Hörbuch: Praxisleitfaden „Cannabis Regulieren“
Veröffentlicht am 09.01.2024
Wir haben einen ersten Teil des Praxisleitfadens „Cannabis Regulieren“ als Hörbuch herausgegeben. Überall da, wo es Podcasts gibt in unserem Kanal „My Brain My Choice Zum Hören“ oder hier.

Das Manuskript, Literaturverzeichnis, das Buch und weitere Informationen finden sich auf unserer Projektseite

Redaktion der Audio-Version: Philine Edbauer
Gelesen von: Jonathan Grün
Die Produktion wurde dank Unterstützer*innen der My Brain My Choice Initiative finanziert.